Graem Lourens © 2017
All rights reserved
IC1848 Soul Nebula

The Soul Nebula is the eastern neighbor of IC1805 (the Heart Nebula) and mostly referred to together as the ‘Heart and Soul’ Nebula. It is located in the constellation Cassiopeia.

Distance to earth: 7’500 lightyears
Apparent size: 120 arcminutes (4 x the moon)

Imaging time: 27.3 hours

Telescope: SW Evostar 80ED
Camera: Atik 460EX Mono

Capture information:
Date: December 2015 – December 2016
Total exposure time: 27.3 hours
Panels: 2×1
Color combination: SII=Red, HA=Green, OIII=Blue

Image data:
20 x 2 x 1200s HA
9 x 2 x 1200s OIII bin2
12 x 2 x 1200s SII bin2